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Module – 1 (Introduction) Introduction – What is Artificial Intelligence(AI) ? The Foundations of AI, History of AI, Applications of AI. Intelligent Agents – Agents and Environments, Good behavior: The concept of rationality, nature of Environments, Structure of Agents.
Module – 2 (Problem Solving) Solving Problems by searching-Problem solving Agents, Example problems, Searching for solutions, Uninformed search strategies, Informed search strategies, Heuristic functions.
Module - 3 (Search in Complex environments) Adversarial search - Games, Optimal decisions in games, The Minimax algorithm, Alpha-Beta pruning. Constraint Satisfaction Problems – Defining CSP, Constraint Propagation- inference in CSPs, Backtracking search for CSPs, Structure of CSP problems.
Module - 4 (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning) Logical Agents – Knowledge based agents, Logic, Propositional Logic, Propositional Theorem proving, Agents based on Propositional Logic. First Order Predicate Logic – Syntax and Semantics of First Order Logic, Using First Order Logic, Knowledge representation in First Order Logic. Inference in First Order Logic – Propositional Vs First Order inference, Unification and Lifting, Forward chaining, Backward chaining, Resolution.
Module - 5 (Machine Learning) Learning from Examples – Forms of Learning, Supervised Learning, Learning Decision Trees, Evaluating and choosing the best hypothesis, Regression and classification with Linear models.
Text books:
1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall.
Module – 1 Introduction to human physiological system Physiological systems of the body (brief discussion on Heart and cardio vascularsystem, Anatomy of nervous system, Physiology of respiratorysystems) problems encountered in biomedical measurements.Sources of bioelectric potentials – resting and action potentials -propagation of action potentials – bio electric potentials example(ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG, EGG etc.).
Module – 2 Bio potential electrodes and ECG Bio potential electrodes – theory – microelectrodes – skin surfaceelectrodes – needle electrodes – biochemical transducers –transducers for biomedical applications. Electro conduction system of the heart. Electro cardiograph –electrodes and leads – Einthoven triangle, ECG read out devices,ECG machine – block diagram.
Module - 3 Measurement of blood pressure, blood flow and heart sound Measurement of blood pressure – direct and indirect measurement– oscillometric measurement – ultrasonic method, measurement of blood flow and cardiac output, plethysmography –photo electricand impedance plethysmographs.Measurement of heart sounds –phonocardiography
Module - 4 Measurement of EEG, EMG and Respiratory Parameters Electro encephalogram –neuronal communication – EEGmeasurement, recording and analysis. Muscle response– Electromyogram (EMG) – NerveConduction velocity measurements Electromyogram Measurements. Respiratory parameters – Spiro meter,pneumograph Therapeutic Aid Cardiac pacemakers – internal and external pacemakers,defibrillators.Ventilators, heart lung machine, hemodialysis, lithotripsy, infantincubators
Module - 5 Advances in Radiological Imaging X-rays- principles of generation, uses of X-rays- diagnostic stillpicture, fluoroscopy, angiography, endoscopy, and diathermy.Basic principle of computed tomography, magnetic resonanceimaging system and nuclear medicine system – radiation therapy.Ultrasonic imaging system - int roduction and basic principle. Electrical safety Electrical safety– physiological effects of electric current –shock hazards from electrical equipment –method of accident prevention, introduction to tele-medicine..
Text books:
1. J. G. Webster, Medical Instrumentation, Application and Design, John Wiley and Sons 2. L. Cromwell, F. J. Weibell and L. A. Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation Measurements, Pearson education, Delhi, 1990. 3. R. S. Khandpur, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, Tata Mc Graw Hill 4. J. J. Carr and J. M. Brown, Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Pearson Education
Module – 1 (WWW, HTML) Introduction to the Internet & WWW: Evolution of Internet & World Wide Web- Web Basics, URI’s & URL-MIME. Introduction to HTML5: Structuring & editing an HTML5 document, Fundamentals of HTML - Headings-Hyper Links- Images - Special Characters & Horizontal Rules-Lists- Tables -Forms - Internal Linking- Meta Elements-HTML5 Form input types -Input and Data List Elements and autocomplete attribute- Page Structure Elements -Multimedia-HTML5 Audio & video elements..
Module – 2 (CSS, JavaScript) Introduction to Stylesheets : Introduction to CSS-Basic syntax and structure-Inline Styles, Embedded Style Sheets, Conflict Resolution, Linking External Style Sheets-Exploring CSS Selectors-Properties, values, Positioning Elements: Absolute Positioning, Relative Positioning - COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Backgrounds-List Styles-Element Dimensions- Table Layouts-Box Model and Text Flow-div and span -Basics of Responsive CSS, Media port & Media Queries. Introduction to JavaScript : Introduction to Scripting- Programming fundamentals of JavaScript -Obtaining User Input with prompt Dialogs-Arithmetic-Decision Making -Control Statements - Functions -Arrays -Objects -Document Object Model (DOM) -Form processing.
Module - 3 (PHP Basics) PHP Language Structure: Introduction- Building blocks of PHP-Variables, Data Types -simple PHP program-Converting between Data Types- Operators and Expressions -Flow Control functions - Control statements- Working with Functions- Initialising and Manipulating Arrays-- Objects- String Comparisons-String processing with Regular Expression.
Module - 4 (PHP- MySQL, JSON) Advanced PHP: Form processing and Business Logic-Cookies- Sessions & MySQL Integration- Connecting to MySQL with PHP- Performing CREATE, DELETE, INSERT, SELECT and UPDATE operations on MySQL table -Working with MySQL data-Reading from Database-Dynamic Content.
Module - 5 (JSON, Laravel) JSON Data Interchange Format: Syntax, Data Types, Object, JSON Schema, Manipulating JSON data with PHP Web Development Frameworks: Laravel Overview-Features of Laravel-Setting up a Laravel Development Environment-Application structure of Laravel-Routing -Middleware-Controllers Route Model Binding-Views-Redirections-Request and Responses.
Text books:
1 Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel, Abbey Deitel, Internet & World Wide Web How to Program 5th Edition [Module 1,2,3,4] 2. Lindsay Bassett, Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation: A To-the-Point Guide to JSON 1st Edition, O’Reilly [Module 5] 3. Julie C. Meloni, Pearson -PHP, MySQL & JavaScript All in One, Sams Teach Yourself,5th Ed [Module 4] 4. Matt Stauffer,” LARAVEL up and Running, A framework for building modern PHP apps”1st Edition, O’REILLY [Module 5]
1. Implementation of lexical analyzer using the tool LEX. 2. Implementation of Syntax analyzer using the tool YACC. 3. Application problems using NFA and DFA. 4. Implement Top-Down Parser. 5. Implement Bottom-up parser. 6. Simulation of code optimization Techniques. 7. Implement Intermediate code generation for simple expressions. 8. Implement the back end of the compiler.
Phase 1 Target
• Literature study/survey of published literature on the assigned topic • Formulation of objectives • Formulation of hypothesis/ design/ methodology • Formulation of work plan and task allocation. • Block level design documentation • Seeking project funds from various agencies • Preliminary Analysis/Modeling/Simulation/Experiment/Design/Feasibility study • Preparation of Phase 1 report
Evaluation Guidelines & Rubrics
Total: 100 marks (Minimum required to pass: 50 marks).
• Project progress evaluation by guide: 30 Marks. • Interim evaluation by the Evaluation Committee: 20 Marks. • Final Evaluation by the Evaluation Committee: 30 Marks. • Project Phase - I Report (By Evaluation Committee): 20Marks.
(The evaluation committee comprises HoD or a senior faculty member, Project coordinator and project supervisor).